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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Odesk and Elance Google Adwords Test Answers Solution for Reference.

2. Which of the following statement about campaign dates is corrects?
3. Given that the cost for the bid is kept constant a keyword’s Quality Score for Google and the search network is directly proportional to its ad position.
3. Given that the cost for the bid is kept constant a keyword’s Quality Score for Google and the search network is directly proportional to its ad position.
4. If your Adword ad attracts a higher CTR (Clickthrough rate) it will lead to an improved ad position.
5. Keyword matching options determine which Google searches can trigger your ads to appear. Which of the following searches could trigger an ad for the keyword “online course” using Broad Match settings?
6. The Google Ad placement feature allows you to choose location on the Google content network where your ad can appear. Which of the following can be selected as ad area for the ad to appear?
7. In an adwords ad, how many characters is the display URL limited to?
8. Which of the following statements about an Ad group are correct?
9. Negative keywords cannot be applied to a whole ad group?
10. Which factors are directly impacted by increasing the Adwords ad budget?
11. Google AdWords does not accept an Ad copy that includes:
12. Is it possible to set a maximum CPC (cost per click) at the Ad group level?
13. Your maximum CPC (cost per click) is $0.70. If your ad receies two clicks, one costing $0.10 and the other costing $0.60, what would your average CPC for those clicks be?
14. At which of the following levels may a daily budget be set?
16. State whether true of false.
17. The term for the number of impressions an ad has accrued in relation to the rest of the active ads within the same ad group is:
18. Which of the following will NOT happen if the view-through conversion window is set to 14 days in the Google AdWords account?
19. Which statistic does Google report on to show you how well your campaign is performing in terms of successful conversions?
1. If your keyword is “reading books” and you would like to ban the ad from people looking for downloadable books, how would you keyowrd be submitted to AdWords?
a. Reading books –downloadable
b. reading books *downloadable
c. reading books (downloadable)
d. reading book

a. It is not possible to specify a campaign start date and end date in the same campaign.
b. By default Adwords pre-sets the campaign start date with today’s date.
c. You cannot pause the campaign midway if an end has been specified.

a. True
b. False

a. True
b. False

a. Online
b. Course
c. ecourse
d. Cheap online course

a. An entire website
b. A selection of pages from a website
c. An individual ad unit on a single page

a. 28
b. 30
c. 35
d. 40

a. Ad groups only apply to the search network
b. You cannot set prices for individual keywords within an Ad group
c. An ad group contains one or more ads

a. True
b. False

a. Ad Impressions
b. Clicks on the Ad
c. Ad position
d. The CPC (Cost Per Click)

a. excessive capitalization
b. product price
c. incorrect grammar
d. numeral

a. Yes
b. No

a. $0.30
b. $0.35
c. $0.50
d. $0.55

a. Keyword
b. Campaign
c. AdWords Account
15. What is the AdWord related team for the following?
“The total number of unique users who will be served your ad over a specific period of time”
a. Campaign viewers
b. Demography
c. Audience
d. Reach

If you run out of characters in your AdWords ad, the display URL field can be used as another line of ad text.
a. True
b. False

a. Ad Impression Rate (%)
b. Ad Served Percentage (%)
c. Ad Delivery Rate (%)
d. Ad Impression Accrual Rate (%)

a. The view-through conversions that occur after 14 days will be discarded
b. The Click conversions will still be counted on the standard 30-day lookback.
c. This setting will not impact view-through conversions which already been recorded
d. The view-through conversions that occur before 14 days will be discarded.

a. Conversions/Cost per click (%)
b. Impressions/Conversions (%)
c. Cost/Conversion

20. What does the “Conversions (many-per-click)” value represent?
a. The number of view-through convrsions.
b. The number of conversions counted on the 60-day Lookback.
c. Conversions (many-per-click) count a conversion every time a conversion is made within 30 days following an AdWords ad click
d. There is no such statistic.

21. Which of the following statements about Adwords Ad Scheduling are correct?
a. It allows you to control the days on which ads should appear.
b. It allows you to control the time at which ads should appear.
c. It allows you to raise or lower your bids for a campaign at certain times of the day.
d. It allows you to change the countries being targeted at certain times of the day.

22. Which of the following statements with regard to AdWords settings are correct?
a. Increasing the budget leads to an increase in the CTR (Clicktrough rate).
b. Targeting smaller regions through ads can result in more relevant ads with higher clikthrough rates.
c. Targeting smaller regions through ads results in fewer impressions.
d. Chosing specific keywords will result in higher clickthrough rates.
e. Chosing specific keywords will result in higher clickthrough rates.


In the above ad, how can you make visitors reach
a. By adding in the ad copy
b. By changing the display URL to
c. By changing the destination URL to
d. By hyper linking the ad title to

24. Keyword option determine which Google searches can trigger your ads to appear. Which of the following search could trigger an ad for the keyword “Online course” using Exact Match Settings?
a. Cheap Online course
b. Course
c. Online Course
d. ecoure

25. Which of the following is not a part of the “tools and Analysis” Feature of Google AdWords:
a. Change history
b. Conversions
c. Google Analytics
d. Website Optimizer
e. Google AdSence

26. Is it possible for you to limit the number of impressions you will allow pre month for a particular campaign?
a. Yes
b. No

27. What happens when you turn on frequency capping for a campaign?
a. It limits the number of times your ads appear on the search network
b. It limits the number of times your ads appear on the content network and search network.
c. It limits the number of times your ads appear to the same unique user on the content network.
d. It limits the advertising cost to the campaign’s daily budget.

28. While using Geo-Targeting to target your ad to specific people, which of the following parameters can be targeted?
a. The person’s country
b. The person’s language preference
c. The continent in which the person lives

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Knowledge of Google Analytics Test Odesk | Elance Answers for Reference

1 Question: For the purpose of Google Analytics reports, a session is considered to have ended if the user has been inactive on the site for:
a. 15 minutes.
b. 30 minutes.
c. 24 hours.
d. 30 days.

2 Question: While creating a new filter in Google Analytics, by which field can a custom filter be specified?

a. Filter Name
 b. Filter Type
c. Available Website Profiles
d. Selected Website Profiles

3 Question: The above visualization can be obtained by:
a. traffic source>goal conversion
b. visitors>visits for all visitors
c. goals>funnel visualization
d. visitors>map overlay

4 Question: A pharmaceutical products website has a product description page with images, price and description of the drug X. The users can click the Order Now button on this page to reach the payment processing page. To track what fraction of the visitors visited the product description page, but not the payment processing page, you should:
a. set up a trending report.
b. create a filter.
c. create a custom report.
 d. create a funnel.

5 Question: Auto tagging and link tagging:
a. require extra expenditure.
b. append additional query string parameters on to the end of URLs pointing to your site.
c. eliminate the need for appending additional query strings to the end of URLs.
d. always cause visitors to be transferred to an error page.

6 Question: If you click Visualize on a Keyword report, each dot on the motion chart hence obtained will represent a:
a. keyword.
 b. date.
c. frequency.
d. user.
7 Question: How can a goal in Google Analytics be made inactive?
a. by deleting the goal
 b. by turning it off
This question is based upon the figure shown

8 Question: Consider the following user navigation:
The number of unique page views for the above mentioned user navigation is:
a. 1
b. 2
 c. 3
d. 4
e. 5

9 Question: To see the Google AdWords cost data within Google Analytics, you must:
a. contact Google Analytics support.
b. check the “Apply Cost Data Checkbox” located under the Analytics tab while in Google AdWords.
 c. check the “Apply Cost Data Checkbox” located under the Analytics tab while in Google Analytics.
d. apply for a premium Google Analytics Account.

10 Question: A funnel represents:
 a. the path that you expect visitors to take on their way to converting to the goal.
b. the predicted number of visitors over the next one year.
c. the behavior of visitors after they leave your site.
d. the path taken by visitors before entering your site.

11 Question: For the purpose of generating reports, a unique visitor is determined using:
a. cookies.
b. password.
c. username.
d. email Id.

12 Question: Event Tracking Trending:

a. is not a feature of Google Analytics.
 b. can be obtained by content>event tracking>trending
c. can be obtained by visitors>event tracking>trending
d. can be obtained by goals>event tracking>trending

13 Question: Which of the following statement about Google Analytics is incorrect?

a. Google Analytics provides the ability to add any number of users to your account.
b. It is possible to grant varying levels of access to your reports to others.
 c. You may grant access to the reports of particular profiles when adding a new user.
d. You can not modify access for existing users.

14 Question: Unduplicated (counted only once) visitors to your website over the course of a specified time period are counted as:

a. Unique pageviews.
 b. Unique Visitors.
c. Aggregate page views.
d. Returning Visitors.

15 Question: Once created, a custom report is available for as long as:

 a. you want it.
b. your current session is active.
c. 72 hours only.
d. two months.

16 Question: If a visitor hits reload after reaching a page, it will be counted as:

 a. an additional pageview.
b. a unique pageview.
c. a bounced visitor.
d. achievement of a goal.

17 Question: To apply filters to your data so as to keep your “raw” data intact, you can create a:

a. new Analytics account.
 b. duplicate profile in your account.
c. duplicate report in your account.

18 Question: If a user plays a movie ten times, the number of Unique events in the Google Analytics report will be incremented by:

a. 1
 b. 10
c. 5.5
d. 8

19 Question: The following question is based on the graphic shown above.

Figure will be shown There.

Which visualization does not belong to Google Analytics?
a. A
 b. B
c. C
d. D

20 Question: A visitor’s interaction with your website after clicking on your Google AdWords Ad can be monitored by:

a. Google Analytics.
b. Google AdSense.
c. Google AdWords.
d. Google Webmaster Tools.

21 Question: Navigation summary shows:

a. paths visitors use to get to your content.
b. top sources per page.
c. top keywords per page.
d. how visitors found your site.

22 Question: Filters can not be used to:

a. show data for a particular sub domain.
 b. identify problems with site metadata.
c. exclude an IP from visitors’ data.
d. build a field from other two fields of tracking data.

23 Question: A high bounce rate generally indicates:

a. the site entrance pages are highly relevant to your visitors.
b. your sites’ pages are well crawled by Google.
c. your site’s pages are highly ranked by Google.
 d. the site entrance pages aren’t relevant to your visitors.

24 Question: Conversion University:

a. offers a brief report description.
 b. provides tips on interpreting the data.
c. links you to frequently asked questions about a report.

25 Question: State whether true or false:

It is possible to sign up for a Google Analytics Account via an existing Google AdWords account.

 a. True
b. False

26 Question: Choose the incorrect statement.

 a. You can create your own segments for Google Analytics reports.
b. You can use default segments and apply them to any report.
c. You must create a different filter for each profile.

27 Question: Motion charts allow you to visualize the data in a maximum of ___ dimensions.

a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
 d. 5

28 Question: The Google Analytics tracking code is:

a. profile-specific.
b. website-specific.
c. URL-specific.
d. domain-specific.

29 Question: While customizing a goal, the ‘Required step’ checkbox:

a. does not affect the Funnel Visualization report.
b. prevents a goal from showing a conversion in any other goal report.
 c. does not keep a goal from showing a conversion in any other goal report.
 d. affects only the Funnel Visualization report.

30 Question: The percentage of visits in which the users left your site after visiting only the entrance page is known as:
a. crawl rate.
b. visitor segmentation.
 c. bounce rate.
d. pageviews.

31 Question: The Google Analytics tracking code snippet needs to be placed in:

 a. all the pages that need to be tracked.
b. only the index page of the site for which the pages are to be tracked.
c. a separate webpage in a sub domain directory as specified by Google.

32 Question: A unique pageview:

a. is counted when a visitor hits reload after reaching a page.
b. aggregates pageviews that are generated by the same user during the same session.
c. is counted when a user navigates to a different page.
d. is counted when a user exits your site.

33 Question: What is the maximum number of events per visit that can be tracked by Google Analytics?

a. 50
 b. 500
c. 5000
d. Unlimited

34 Question: When the Google Analytics Tracking code is installed, tracking begins:

a. after 24 hours.
b. after approval by the Google Analytics team.
 c. immediately.
d. after you pay the requisite fee.

35 Question: Google Analytics logs a page-view:

a. each time the page is loaded irrespective of the tracking code execution.
 b. each time the tracking code is executed.
c. each time the user logs in any of the Google accounts.
d. each time the user clicks on a Google Ad.

36 Question: How can you see all the filters that have been applied to a profile in Google Analytics?

a. Click on tHe “Features” link on tHe “Overview: all accounts page” and click “Filters”.
b. Analytics Settings > Filter Manager
c. Analytics Settings > User Manager
d. Click on the “Edit” link under the Profile settings panel and see the “Filters applied to profile” section.

37 Question: Excluding your own internal traffic in a Google Analytics report can:

a. not be achieved.
b. be achieved by using Funnels.
 c. be achieved by using Filters.
d. be achieved by using Goals.

38 Question: Choose the incorrect statement.

 a. Advanced segments allow you to choose what types of visits you want to be considered when generating data for a report.
b. Advanced fragmentation is a tool you can use to slice and dice your Analytics data with great precision.

39 Question: The traffic sources leading to increase in traffic and revenue can be identified by:

a. goal funnel>select goal
 b. all traffic sources report>Ecommerce tab
c. goal value> select goal
d. all traffic sources report>goal conversion tab

40 Question: In Campaign tracking, Analytics will not track the visitors properly without which of the following three variables?
 a. utm_campaign
 b. utm_medium
 c. utm_source
d. utm_term
e. utm_content

41 Question: Google analytics does not allow you to:

a. identify where your visitors come from.
b. identify most lucrative geographic markets.
 c. identify errors for URLs in Sitemap.
 d. submit a sitemap.
 e. see errors and problems encountered by Google’s crawlers while accessing pages on your site.

42 Question: If there is a certain subdirectory of your website that you’d like to track,

a. you can enter the subdirectory url as the default page for a domain in your “Main Website Profile Information” to only report on traffic to that directory

b. you can create a funnel to only report on traffic to that directory

 c. you can create a filter to only report on traffic to that directory

d. it is not feasible to only report on traffic to that directory

43 Question: The Query String Variable utm_content is used to:

a. identify the medium the user is using to get to your site.
b. identify the vendor used.
c. identify the keyword being used in the ad.
 d. differentiate between similar ads.

44 Question: To identify the steps of a payment processing wizard that are causing people to abandon the purchase, you should:
a. set up a new goal in Google Analytics.
 b. use the funnel visualization report in Google Analytics.
c. set up a new Analytics profile.
d. create a program to parse all the links to be monitored.

45 Question: A funnel can be defined:
a. without setting up a goal.
b. only after creating a custom segment.
c. only 24 hours after the installation of the tracking code.
 d. after setting up a goal.

46 Question: The traffic sources leading to increase in traffic and revenue can be identified by:

a. goal funnel>select goal
 b. all traffic sources report>Ecommerce tab
c. goal value> select goal
d. all traffic sources report>goal conversion tab

47 Question: Automatic tracking of Google AdWords campaigns in Google Analytics:
a. is not possible.
b. can be achieved by enabling “Auto Tagging” in Google AdWords.
c. can be achieved by enabling “Auto Tagging” in Google Analytics.
d. can be achieved by enabling “Automatic Tracking” in Google AdWords.

48 Question: Google Analytics tracks data from a variety of sources to provide:

 a. closed-loop ROI analysis.
b. open-loop ROI analysis.
c. Ad Sense report analysis.
d. AdWords report analysis.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Odesk and Elance SEO Test Answers 2013 for Reference

1. Some words, when followed by a colon, have special meanings to yahoo. What is perfermed by the link:Operator?

a. it shows all the outbound links from the url

b. It shows how many pages of the site yahoo is pointing to
c. It shows all the pages that point to that url
d. It show url's with broken links

2. Which blackhat Seo techniques is characterized by a method to decieve search engine, by detecting the search engine bot and "feeding" it with a different HTML code than the HTML actually served to users?



3. Why is it bad idea from SEO perspective to host free articles and write ups that are very common on the internet?

a.Because they will not lead to fresh traffic

b.Because you could be penalize by search engine for using duplicate contents
c.Because you will not get the benefits of proper keyword targeting
d.because people could turn up claiming copyright infirigement

4. What will happen if you type the word 'Certification-Networking' in the google search box?

a.Google will find the web pages about "certification" and also containing the word "networking"

b.Google will find ALL the web pages containing the word word "Certification" and "Networking"
c.*Google will find ALL the web pages in which the words "Certification" and "Networking" appear together. 
d.Google will find the web pages about Certification that do not contain the word Networking

5. Which of the following factors does google take into account while accessing whether or not a website is an authority website?

a. The frequency with which the contents of the website is updated

b. the number of web pages containing relevant information on the main theme of the website
c.*The number of in-bound natural links related to the website's theme (or keywords)
d. None of the above

6. What is keyword density?

a.The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on page - (minus) the total words in HTML on the page

b.The number of times the keyword is used x (multiply by) the total word count on page.
c.The number of times the keyword is used in the page description
d.The number of times the keyword is used in the page title
e*The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on the page. 

7. Which of the following statement about FFA pages are true?

a.They are greatly beneficial to SEO

b.They are also called Link Farms 
c.They are Paid Listings
d*They contain numerous inbound links

8. What is the illegal act of copying of a page by unauthorized parties in order to filter off traffic to another site called?

a.Traffic jacking

b.Visitors Jacking
c.View Jacking
d* Page Jacking 

9. What is the most likely time period required for getting a google page ranking?

a.1 week

b. 3 weeks
c. 1 month
d.* More than 3 months 

10. Which of the following can be termed as a good keyword selection and placement strategies?

a* Targeting synonyms of the main keyword, A & D 

b.Targeting the highest searched keywords only
c.Copying competitor keywords
d.Optimizing 5 or more keywords per page (check)

11. Some words, when followed by a colon, have special meanings to yahoo. What is perfermed by the link:Operator?

a. it shows all the outbound links from the url

b. It shows how many pages of the site yahoo is pointing to
c. It shows all the pages that point to that url 
d. It show url's with broken links

12. Which blackhat Seo techniques is characterized by a method to decieve search engine, by detecting the search engine bot and "feeding" it with a different HTML code than the HTML actually served to users?



13. Why is it bad idea from SEO perspective to host free articles and write ups that are very common on the internet?

a.Because they will not lead to fresh traffic

b.Because you could be penalize by search engine for using duplicate contents 
c.Because you will not get the benefits of proper keyword targeting
d.because people could turn up claiming copyright infirigement

14. What will happen if you type the word 'Certification-Networking' in the google search box?

a.Google will find the web pages about "certification" and also containing the word "networking"

b.Google will find ALL the web pages containing the word word "Certification" and "Networking"
c.*Google will find ALL the web pages in which the words "Certification" and "Networking" appear together.
d.Google will find the web pages about Certification that do not contain the word Networking

15. Which of the following factors does google take into account while accessing whether or not a website is an authority website?

a. The frequency with which the contents of the website is updated

b. the number of web pages containing relevant information on the main theme of the website
c.*The number of in-bound natural links related to the website's theme (or keywords)
d. None of the above

16. What is keyword density?

a.The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on page - (minus) the total words in HTML on the page

b.The number of times the keyword is used x (multiply by) the total word count on page.
c.The number of times the keyword is used in the page description
d.The number of times the keyword is used in the page title
e*The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on the page.

17. Which of the following statement about FFA pages are true?

a.They are greatly beneficial to SEO

b.They are also called Link Farms 
c.They are Paid Listings
d*They contain numerous inbound links

18. What is the illegal act of copying of a page by unauthorized parties in order to filter off traffic to another site called?

a.Traffic jacking

b.Visitors Jacking
c.View Jacking
d* Page Jacking

19. What is the most likely time period required for getting a google page ranking?

a.1 week

b. 3 weeks
c. 1 month
d.* More than 3 months

20. Which of the following can be termed as a good keyword selection and placement strategies?

a Targeting synonyms of the main keyword (ans) A & D

b.Targeting the highest searched keywords only
c.Copying competitor keywords
d.Optimizing 5 or more keywords per page (check) 

Web Statistics